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Candyland Theme - Funtook - Balloons Decoration In Patna
Candyland Theme
Theme Decor

Designs for the Balloon Decoration is an art. It is a creative process that involves embellishing and tying balloons to give them a particular shape. Decorating balloons is considered easy and fun because it can be done by anyone at any age. It doesn’t require any specific skills or training to do it, just patience, creativity and imagination.

  • Thematic Backdrop 7’H x 8’W
  • Thematic Side Standy -2
  • Balloon Decor – 1400
  • Baby Photo Cutouts – 2
  • Thematic Selfie Booth-1
  • My Favourite Board – 1
  • Welcome Board – 1
  • Entrance Gate Décor – 1
Kankarbagh, Nr PC colony in-front of first cry shopPatna, Bihar (80020)

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